Tryouts, News, AA, 2021-2022, U18 (Guelph Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 10, 2021 | Steve Locke | 430 views

Hello everyone, As we ramp up for the U18 AA tryouts I would like to mention some important items so please read this article in it's entirety.

I will be posting the players' names for each one hour session who are on my registered list. If you are not able to make the skate that day please let me know in advance. Any walk-on players will be added at the check-in desk if the numbers permit. We are only allowed a maximum of 30 attendees on the ice at once, including coaches.

Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior so we can get everyone through the check-in process. Players will be assigned a practice jersey which must be returned after the skate. Goalies need to bring their own jerseys. 

You will not be allowed into the rink until 15 minutes before the scheduled ice time. Masks are mandatory from the moment you walk into the building and they must not be removed until you go onto the ice.

The university has a covid screening form that you will need to complete before you enter the building. We are limited to 15 persons per dressing room. The showers are off limits at this point in time but the washrooms will be available. Please bring your own labeled water bottle. We will not be providing any.

Looking forward to getting back to hockey. See you on the 17th.

Coach Steve