GMHA Update - Stage 3, News (Guelph Minor Hockey Association)

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Jul 17, 2020 | Lindsey Glavaz | 4376 views
GMHA Update - Stage 3
Dear Players, Parents, Coaches and Volunteers, 

I wanted to write a quick note to everyone in relation to Monday’s announcement by the Provincial Government that Guelph and the surrounding region would be entering Stage 3 of the economic reopening process. 

While it is true that Stage 3 provisions allow facilities to host groups of up to 50 people inside their buildings, the current limit of 10 people on the ice will remain in place until further notice.  We are currently working with the University of Guelph to determine Stage 3 changes will permit more players and coaches on the ice at the same time, and if so what this limit will be. 


In the meantime it is important to remember that there are several mitigating circumstances remaining in place that will impact any return to play, organised team activities or rep try-outs.  Most importantly, social distancing rules are still in place, and will be for the foreseeable future.  As such, the ability to host large or “team-sized” sessions remains difficult.  In addition, the government issued a clear instruction that sporting activities comprising of “prolonged or deliberate contact” (of which Hockey is one) are still banned.  This means no games, game scenario training or scrimmages can take place, regardless of the number of people allowed on the ice.  Beyond this the OMHA and OHF have stated clearly in their return to hockey protocols that any association organised on-ice activities cannot be used for the purposes of team practices, grading or assessing players.


I know everyone is eager to see this process move towards some form of normalcy as late summer approaches.  This is certainly the case for your Board of Directors.  In that spirit, we will do our best to keep you informed of developments as they arise.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at  I will endeavour to answer all emails, or direct them to someone who can provide a relevant answer.


Stay safe and well and enjoy your summer.


David Christiansen

Vice-President (President Elect)

Guelph Minor Hockey Association.        
