A Message From Our GMHA President, News (Guelph Minor Hockey Association)

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Aug 12, 2020 | Lindsey Glavaz | 1979 views
A Message From Our GMHA President
Dear GMHA Family,My name is David Christiansen and I am your new President.  I am excited and humbled to have the opportunity to lead an organisation that has such a positive impact for its members and on the wider community.  I have been involved with the GMHA for many years as both of my sons play in the association.   Professionally I have served on numerous boards and advisory groups in both the Public and Private Sector.  I am currently the Vice President of Operations at Aercoustics Engineering Limited where my duties focus on governance, risk management, process improvement, project management, systems, health and safety and budgetary controls.

In my term as President I want to stress the following themes within the Board:

  • Transparency – this is a public not-for-profit and as such questions about our programming and other matters should be open for scrutiny.

  • Communication – stakeholders such as parents, coaches and other volunteers deserve to know what is going on and be updated on matters of consequence on a regular basis.  

  • Fairness – Let's be honest, we will never keep everyone happy, but our decisions must be balanced with what is best for the majority of the players and association members.  

  • Governance – The board exists to provide the necessary procedural, risk management and financial frameworks to foster success on the ice.  We appoint hockey experts to make hockey decisions. 

  • We are here for the kids - Without players, and their love of the game, the GMHA would not exist.  Everything we do should be done with the lens of what is best for the development, well-being, and enjoyment of all the kids.   

Now, I would be remiss if I did not point out the blatantly obvious…we live in an interesting and uncertain times.  I know many parents share some level of concern, frustration, and anxiety about the dislocation the COVID-19 pandemic has had on their children.  Be reassured that our first responsibility is to the well-being and health of our players and volunteers.  Any return to hockey will put the health and safety of its players first and foremost before any other concern.  

Heading an organization like the Guelph Minor Hockey Association is a privilege that comes with a tremendous responsibility to the wider community.  During my term as President I hope this association can meet and exceed your expectations and provide a fun, safe and rewarding experience for everyone involved.    

And finally, never hesitate to reach out to myself or other board members and do not hesitate to come up and introduce yourself when we can get back in the rink.  We are here to support our members.

Kindest regards,


*Photo Credit: Barefaced Creative Photography
