IMPORTANT - Update to City of Guelph Facility Protocols, News (Guelph Minor Hockey Association)

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Nov 15, 2020 | Lindsey Glavaz | 1812 views
IMPORTANT - Update to City of Guelph Facility Protocols
Dear Members,

As per the City of Guelph and their updated protocol, all teams are now required to complete a contact tracing spreadsheet before entering any City of Guelph facility. Please find below a spreadsheet template that each team is required to complete, print, and bring with them to each session. Failure to do so will result in not being allowed entry into the facility. 

To complete the contact tracing spreadsheet, we recommend adding every player and parent(s), printing off a couple of copies, and then crossing out those who are not in attendance, for submission to city staff at arrival.

Furthermore, parents are responsible for completing the SportsHeadz Covid-19 Health Screening Form BEFORE attending any session for a) their participating child and b) the parent (spectator) in attendance. Please help your coaches and managers by completing this and not having to be chased down. If you have trouble completing the form, reach out to your coach and/or manager and let them know. 

Finally, please abide by facility rules and protocols. This means arriving on time, monitoring your children, respecting the staff, etc. We want to keep our players on the ice. Please work with us, and our partners to make this happen. Thank you. 

City of Guelph - Contact Tracing Form (Template)
Please download or make a copy for your team to use. 

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