Update: City of Guelph "Red" Protocols, News (Guelph Minor Hockey Association)

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Nov 30, 2020 | Lindsey Glavaz | 1694 views
Update: City of Guelph "Red" Protocols
Dear Members, I wanted to provide an important update regarding the association’s plans to pause operations if the city and/or region moves to the Red stage of the governments COVID-19 protocols.

As was alluded to in our recent communication, the Public Health Unit and the City reserve the right to impose further restrictions on the community, beyond those required by the provincial government.  Ice schedulers and other officials from several organizations have now received notice that the city will be closing all rinks and pools with immediate effect if we are moved to Stage Red.  


We were aware that such discussions were taking place, but at the time of issuing our recent press release we had received no official word of this being decided upon.  We felt it important to outline our plans to you as soon as we could.  Murphy’s Law obviously dictates that the city would issue their decision to close immediately afterwards.  


As you can imagine, this move by the City of Guelph would have, in some fashion, forced our hand in regards to any discussion about carrying or pausing our programming.   So now all we can do is work hard at respecting the rules and advice of the medical experts to do our bit to keep the region out of the Red and our kids on the ice.  


As always, if we get any updates or news we will share it with you as quickly as possible.  


David Christiansen, GMHA President

News Article: City would impose even stricter restrictions if level Red happens