UPDATE: Wellington-Dufferin Guelph Public Health in STAGE RED
Hello GMHA Families,
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we have navigated our way through our programming pause and Provincial Lockdown.
As you may know, the Government of Ontario will be lifting the province wide lockdown by region and for Guelph’s Public Health Unit that means the order should be lifted after February 16th 2021. This is great news for our community and leaves us hopeful for a return to hockey.
Like all of you we are anxiously waiting to hear more from the Government of Ontario and our local PHU.
At this time, we do not know exactly where Guelph will be assigned on the colour scale used in the COVID-19 Response Framework. (Red, Orange etc.) Despite all the uncertainty please trust that we are doing everything humanly possible to make hockey available to as many as we can in our community and have plans in place for both Red and Orange Level Restrictions.
The GMHA Board will be meeting over the Family Day Weekend to finalize and approve our plans, and to ensure a swift turnaround no matter what announcement is made. Our goal is to get back on the ice the week of February 22, 2021
Again, we appreciate your patience and understanding. GMHA has been working hard to ensure we can see our kids return to the ice if, and when it is deemed safe to do so. We look forward to sharing our finalized plans in the coming days.
Thank you,