House League Evaluation Weekend, News (Guelph Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 18, 2023 | Chad Mitchell | 1309 views
House League Evaluation Weekend
We have been working to get everything ready to go for your children for House League & SD (Skills Development) starting this weekend with our Evaluation Skates.

We hope you and your child is as excited about the upcoming season as we are! Please be patient as we start to communicate more information on the start of our regular house league hockey season.

Below you will find detailed information on SD (Skills Development) & House League Evaluation Weekend:

Should you have any questions, please ensure they are directed to your convener:

SD1 (2018) – Nick Wilson: [email protected]
SD2 (2017) – Peter Varganyi: [email protected]
SD3 (2016) – Zac Martin: [email protected]
**U9** (2015) Interim: Jamie Baggio & Chad Mitchell: [email protected]
U10/11 (2013-14) – Eric Mackenzie: [email protected]
U12/13 (2011-12) – Chad Mitchell: [email protected]
U14 (2010) – Chad Mitchell: [email protected]
U15/16 (2008-09) – Warren Kurt: [email protected]
U18 (2006-07) – Kelly Irwin: [email protected]

**U9** In Need of Convener

House League and SD Evaluation Skate dates:

Saturday, September 23 - Skills & Drills
Sunday, September 24 - Skills & Drills

Saturday, September 30 - Inner squad games
Sunday, October 1 - Inner squad games

September 23rd & 24th - will be evaluation skates, broken down by last name. The times and dates can be found by following the below steps in “EVALUATION SCHEDULE & REGULAR SEASON SCHEDULE” Please note: The locations and times for evaluation skates will not be the same locations and times for the regular season. The regular season house league schedule will be posted the last week of September, so that you can plan accordingly for the rest of the season.

September 27th – A new schedule will be posted for inner squad games for the weekend of Sept 30/Oct 1.
September 30th & October 1st – players will be placed in teams for inner squad games to evaluate players within game scenarios.
October 5th – the Convenor will be sending out a team introduction email which will outline your team’s name, members of your team, team calendar link, and your coaching staff contacts.
October 14th – the house league season officially kicks off! Depending on the age group, team adjustments will be made to a certain point within the season, after which, teams will be confirmed and jerseys/socks provided.  

The Evaluation Schedule is now posted online and can be found here:
SD1 (2018) 
SD2 (2017)  
SD3 (2016) 
U9 (2015)
U10/11 (2013-14)  
U12/13 (2011-12) 
U14 (2010)  
U15/16 (2008-09) 
U18 (2006-07)

Please ensure you fill out and print the Hockey Canada Player Information form and give it to your coach by Saturday, Oct 29.
DO NOT EMAIL: Hockey Canada Player Information Form 
Parents are also required to do the Respect in Sport – Parent Course.
If you have not completed this previously, please ensure you do so here: Respect In Sport 

Hockey Canada Equipment Checklist 
Mouthguard Information 
Concussion Awareness Information 
GMHA Parent Resources 

For those of you who have already filled out the coaching application form or the volunteer form, the convenor for your age group will be in touch shortly to discuss the opportunities we have within each team and during House League Evaluations. All individuals that have filled out the volunteer form, will be contacted by the Convenor to help during the evaluation process. This will either be, on the ice, running the drills or off the ice evaluating the players.

The dates and times that will be used for the evaluations are NOT the same times and locations that we will be using for regular season. As the arenas start to open within the city, we are adding more arenas to use for September onwards. Our regular season begins on October 14th!

The House League Program is focused on a fun and inclusive environment for hockey players of all levels. Equal ice time for all players and a commitment to keeping the game fun for all is our first priority. It is about having fun, being active, learning fundamental hockey skills, fair play, and developing friendships and love for hockey.

If you have any questions, or concerns or would like to volunteer, please email [email protected]