Team Official / Staff (Guelph Minor Hockey Association)

Team Official / Staff
This form is used to submit Team Official / staff information for rostering. This includes on ice helpers. This form will send entered information to the GMHA office and the Director of rep hockey. Managers who are not on the bench or on the ice for games or practices do not need to be rostered. A maximum of 5 officials are allowed per team on a roster. Please enter FULL ADDRESS, POSTAL CODE, PHONE NUMBER & BIRTH DATE. Minimum officials for rostering is Head Coach and Trainer.

Team Information

Head Coach

You must have a Head Coach and a Trainer. The remaining 3 spots may be Assistant coaches or Assistant Trainers or one Manager.


Optional Postion

Optional position may be Assistant Coach (3 max), Assistant Trainer (3 max) or one Manager

Optional Position

Optional position may be Assistant Coach (3 max), Assistant Trainer (3 max) or one Manager

Optional Position

Optional position may be Assistant Coach (3 max), Assistant Trainer (3 max) or one Manager

Team Administrator

On most teams the Team Administrator is different than the Rostered manager. This is the administrator that will take care of all the team administration and will be a key contact for GMHA