Conflict & Complaint Form (Guelph Minor Hockey Association)

Conflict & Complaint Form
GMHA is committed to creating and maintaining an organizational environment characterized by constructive, productive and supportive relationships. These are ones that are open to contrasting styles of understanding and acting and different points of view. Overall GMHA recognizes that human interactions are complex, often difficult, and that we can contribute to their success and breakdown. In all cases it is hoped that the parties can resolve their differences by speaking with each other after the mandatory 24 hour waiting period. The general steps to obtain a resolution are as follows: Step 1 Discussion between coach, player and parents Step 2 Completing Conflict & Complaint form which will be forwarded to Director of Rep or Director of HL or the appropriate conveners in most cases. Step 3 Review, Counselling & Discipline committee Step 4 Board of Directors / Executive Step 5 Proper Authorities. Please complete this form if you want to report a conflict &/or complaint about a individual (coach, team official, player, parent, GMHA employee or board member.


Complainant Information

Please provide all the information requested below

Respondent Information

Nature of Complaint


Email confirmation

Please fill in your email if you would like a confirmation of receipt of the Complaint submission