Royal City Ball Hockey, News, PeeWee Division, 2016-2017 (Guelph Minor Hockey Association)

This League is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 28, 2016 | Shawn Chabot | 949 views
Royal City Ball Hockey
The sessions that are scheduled at Royal City Ball Hockey for November 26th are in addition to our allotted ice times. GMHA thought it would be nice to give the players ball hockey during some times when their ice is not available.The sessions can be run however the coaches choose. Teams can play a game, practice positional play ect.; it is up to the teams coaching staff. If games our played between the teams it will not be counted towards the league standings. Any questions, let us know.

Royal City Ball Hockey is located at:133 Woodlawn Road EastGuelph, OntarioPhone: [email protected]

What equipment do I need to play ball hockey?

Ball hockey is not as large of an investment as ice hockey in terms of equipment. Mandatory equipment for Adult players is a non-wood stick with no tape on the bottom of the blade (wooden sticks can splinter and the tape gums up our floor), running shoes and hockey or lacrosse gloves (to protect your fingers). We highly recommend the use of a jock, shin guards. Helmets and mouthguards are not mandatory for Adult players although they are proven to aid in concussion prevention.Helmets are mandatory for any player under the age of 18 (which is considered a Youth player). Mandatory equipment for Youth players is a non-wood stick with no tape on the bottom of the blade (wooden sticks can splinter and the tape gums up our floor), running shoes, shin guards and hockey or lacrosse gloves (to protect your fingers). We highly recommend the use of a jock and elbow pads. Mouthguards are not mandatory for Youth players although they are proven to aid in concussion prevention.

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