Volunteer (Guelph Minor Hockey Association)
OMHA Digital Network
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Coach Resources
Trainer Resources
OMHA Digital Network
Register Your Child Today
Coach Resources
Trainer Resources
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Team Finder
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GMHA Finance Report
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Games Centre
Schedule & Results
Organization Calendar
2025-26 Registration
New to Guelph?
OMHA Age Reference Chart
Registration FAQ
Respect In Sport - Parent Course
Refund Requests & Policy
Helping Kids Play Hockey Programs
Helping Kids Play Hockey Programs
Hockey Canada Assist Fund
Kids Sport
Children's Foundation
Canadian Tire Jumpstart Program
Small Area Games (SAG) Info
SAG Manuals
GMHA Consistent Key Teaching Points
Tyke to Atom
Minor Peewee to Midget
Practice Plan Info
Practice Plan Structure for Solo, PUP and B2B
Standard Practice Plan Templates
Hockey Canada Drill Hub
Age Specific Drills /Practice Plans
Our Development Team
Our Development Program
Resources for Coaches
Resources for Trainers
Resources for Trainers
Concussion Awareness
Reporting a Concussion
Report a Concussion
Concussion Passport
Report Conclusion to Concussion
Trainers Kit
Hockey Canada Concussion Toolbox
HC Concussion Card
Baseline Testing Statement from Parachute
Parachute Concussion Resources
Concussion Protocol
Team Meeting Information
Team Managers
Tournament Data Collection Form
Our Programs
Our Programs - Overview
Skating School
The First Shift
U6 Hockey
U6 Hockey
Volunteer Application Form
Understanding U6 Hockey
U6 Development
U7 Hockey
U7 Hockey
Volunteer Application Form
Understanding U7 Hockey
U7 Development
U7 Advanced Development
U8 Hockey
U8 Hockey
Understanding U8 Hockey
U8 Development
U8 Advanced Development Program
U9 Hockey
U9 Hockey
Understanding U9 Hockey
U9 House League
U9 Advanced Development Program
House League (U9 to U18)
House League (U9 to U18)
About House League
General Forms
Player Request Form
House League Volunteers
Application for Coaching
House League Volunteer/Coach Applications
Advanced League/Select Coach Applications
House League Sponsorship
Equipment List
Advanced League/Select
Advanced League/Select
What is the Advanced League?
Advanced League/Select FAQ
Advanced League Head Coach Application Form
Advanced League Forms
Advanced League Play Off Rules
Rep. Forms
General Forms
Report a Suspension
Request for Player Movement
Rep. Coaches
Coaches Pledge
Our Sponsors
GMHA Sponsorship Form
GMHA Online Store
New to GMHA?
Conflicts and Complaints
We are always looking for volunteers! Whether you are looking to volunteer regularly or occasionally, we are always welcoming parents and community members to be more involved within our association.
Please complete our volunteer application
and let us know how you would like to contribute. We greatly appreciate your interest in wanting to be more involved within our association and make a difference in our player’s hockey experience.
Volunteer Descriptions:
(Please note that if you are interested in volunteering for any of the positions listed below for our ADP, REP, or Select program, your child would need to complete tryouts and be placed accordingly first.)
Head Coach (Initiation/House League)
Volunteering to be a Coach is a great way to give back to the kids and support more than just their hockey development. As Head Coach, you will be responsible for your team and 15-19 kids will rely on you each week to coach them in games/practices.
Assistant Coach (House League)
Each year we have a number of Head Coaches looking for help running their team. If you would like to volunteer to help out a Head Coach, your role will vary based on that Coach’s needs. You will likely be a support person to help run the bench during games and facilitating practices.
Trainer (House League)
We are
always looking for Trainers to help out and ensure the safety of our members. As a trainer, you would be responsible for ensuring the safety of your assigned team during all team activities. You will be required to attend games and practices and come prepared for all types of scenarios. There is an online Trainer’s course you can complete, which provides you with all the knowledge you will need.
Manager/Team Admin (House League)
As a team’s manager, you will have a number of responsibilities. They may vary depending on your team’s Head Coach and what they delegate to you. Some responsibilities typically include; finances, team rostering, travel permits, and other administrative tasks.
Convenor (Initiation/House League)
Reporting directly to the Director of House League, A Convenor is responsible for
maintaining communication between League coaches and GMHA as well as ensuring
GMHA and OMHA rules, regulations, policies and procedures are followed by the bench staff, players and parents. A convenor also o
versees the selection of teams, as well as the balancing of teams during the first two weeks of play. The Convenor
manages the entire division of an age group within House League, which also includes the management of equipment, disciplinary actions, game sheets, exhibition games, Select team, maintain league standings, conflict resolution, and additional activities where applicable.
On-Ice Help (Initiation/House League)
An on-ice helper would be an individual with proper credentials that is looking to assist with games or practices form any given team when the help is needed. You would be on a list for current coaches to have access to, so they can reach out if help is needed. That help can be during a practice/tryout on the ice to provide an additional body to support player development. Other opportunities may be available should your credentials be what is required.
OTHER (Special Events, Administrative Work, Tournaments, etc)
We invite members of the GMHA and the community to help out with various special events such as picture day, GMHA hosted jamborees and tournaments, etc. The
is minimal and is an opportunity for those who don't have much time, to give back.