Advanced League/Select FAQ (Guelph Minor Hockey Association)

PrintAdvanced League/Select FAQ


Q: Can a player try out for Advanced League from another center?

A: Whether participating in the full-time or part-time stream within the Advanced League, players from other centers can try out for any age group within Guelph Minor Hockey for the Advanced League teams. This is possible because the part-time stream is the Select program and the full-time teams fall under House League rules, both of which have no geographical boundaries. However, these players are NOT eligible to affiliate (AP) with any GMHA Representative team. This means that can not be called up as a back-up player for GMHA Representative teams

References referring to what is Select and what is House League within OMHA:
OMHA Manual of Operations regarding boundaries (Select pages: 92, 120, 121 and 122) (House League pages: 102

Q: Do you need to register for House League or do you just wait to register for Advanced League?

A: No matter which program you are enrolling in or playing for, all GMHA members must pay the base registration fee (House League Cost) before tryouts. For players selected for rep teams, this base registration fee will be applied towards their Rep fees. The same process applies to players who try out for and make teams within the Advanced League. If you child does not make the Advanced League Team, they will continue on with House League and no further payment is required.
GMHA refund policies can be found here
GMHA registration is now open and can be found here

Q: Can a player who makes an Advanced League team, play for another team or another association?
A: No, a player within a minor hockey association can only play for one team, except for the Select program. In Select, players participate in House League and also form a separate Select team. All of this must occur within the same association.

Q: When are head coach applications going to be accepted?
A: They are currently open now and will be until the end of June, 2024. You can fill out the form here.

Q: When are tryouts for the Advanced League?

A: Tryouts for the Advanced League will take place in the Fall for the 2024-2025 season. More information will be sent out late summer, so please check out website and social media for more details

Q: What game jerseys do the Advanced League teams wear?

A: The Advanced League teams will wear the same jerseys as the Rep teams (White, Black and an optional Red jersey))

Q: What happens if my child does not make the Advanced League team?
A: With registration, your child is automatically enrolled in the House League program. There are no tryouts for House League, merely evaluations to ensure teams are evenly created. If you child does not make an Advanced League team, they will automatically be appointed to a House League team in their age group. 

Q: Do I have to sign up for tryouts?
A: Yes you will need to register and pay for the AHL tryouts. 
Tryout passes will be on sale in early August. Details will be posted on the GMHA website. However, if you purchased a REP tryout pass, you will automatically be signed up for tryouts.

Q: Where will Advanced League Games take place?
A: Games will take place over the weekends and weekdays and will vary on location depending on the schedule and opposing team. The furthest distance will be under 60minutes for a game.