New Proposed GMHA By Laws Questions and Answers (Guelph Minor Hockey Association)

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New Proposed GMHA By Laws Questions and Answers

GMHA’s new proposed by-laws were prepared in consultation with Steve Indig, BRec, LL.B., from Sports Law.  Steve began his career with Sport Law in 2003, immediately after being called to the bar as a lawyer. Steve has had the opportunity to work with over 1,000 national, provincial, and local sport organizations providing consulting and legal services related to governance, employment, contracts, policies, disputes, and privacy. He is a regular guest speaker and presenter at AGMs, conferences, and workshops.  Steve worked with GMHA to improve the by-laws to support better governance and to be compliant with Ontario’s Not-for-Profit Corporations Act.  

  1. Can you please provide examples of other associations who have similar by-laws with the type of membership that are being proposed in the new by-laws?

  1. Twin Centres Hockey Association

  2. Richmond Hill Soccer

  3. West Ottawa Soccer

  4. Kitchener Minor Hockey Association

  5. North Toronto Soccer

  6. Duffield Hockey Association

  7. Clarington Baseball



  1. If there are more candidates than spaces for membership, how will the applicants be chosen?

If the new proposed by-laws are ratified then GMHA will develop policies to support the new by-laws.  One of the policies would include a process where there would be a random draw to choose which eligible applicants become members.  This method was discussed and agreed by directors at the September 15, 2024 board meeting.  

The total proposed number of members of 60 (plus the board) exceeds the most number of members who have attended a Special Meeting of the Members or Annual Meeting of Members in the past several years.  This number does not include proxies.  Proxies will no longer be utilized once the by-laws are ratified.

The number of members can be increased in future by a by-law amendment if the number of applicants exceeds the number of membership spots.



  1. Why does GMHA believe adopting this membership structure is right for our association? Why do you feel limiting membership is a good thing?

Members of association have 3 tasks:

  • elect the board;

  • vote on amendments to by-laws and articles; and 

  • appoint the auditor

Currently we have over 1500 members and the maximum number of members that have attended an Annual Meeting of Members or Special Meeting of Members in the past several years is less than 50.  This represents 3%.  There is a risk to having such a large voting pool and very poor attendance.  GMHA hopes to attract people who are interested in the governance of the association, participating in committees and volunteering to support GMHA operations who will apply to become members and be active members who review materials before Annual and Special Meetings and attend the meetings in person to vote.  Also there is an administrative burden to maintaining a very large membership list.



  1. Did GMHA consider removing proxy voting instead of limiting membership?

Voting by proxy is not considered a best practice and has not been included in new proposed by-laws.  Please see answer to question 3 in response to why limiting membership.



  1. Associations like GMHA are required to have by-laws that are in accordance with Hockey Canada and OMHA. Has any consultation been had with Hockey Canada and OMHA?

The new proposed by-laws are not in conflict with Hockey Canada and OMHA rules, regulations and by-laws.   The new proposed by-laws are in compliance with Ontario’s Not-for-Profit Corporations Act.



  1. Will anybody be able to attend Annual General Meetings and Special Meetings of the Members?

Meetings of the Members, including Annual General Meetings will be closed to members, as only members have legal standing.  GMHA will hold Town Hall sessions following Annual General Meetings.  Town Hall sessions would provide an opportunity for GMHA to provide an update on programs and services to all participants.  Participants would also have the opportunity to meet the board including newly elected directors and ask questions.



  1. When would the process for member application be held?

Members would have a 1-year term that expires on September 30th.   The process for applicants would be held in September.  If the new by-laws are ratified at the December 4th special meeting, the process would start in December.