This is a reminder to all GMHA players participating in Segment 1, or looking to participate in Segment 2 for all programming.
Some concerns have been brought up over the last month regarding health and safety, so we wanted to remind everyone to review the health and safety protocols and familiarize yourself, along with educate your children on these to ensure everyone can be safe. It is vitally important that we continue to be as safe as possible if you want to keep hockey up and running in Guelph.
Overall, this applies to every player participating in any GMHA program right now.
Please remain vigilant in following both OMHA/GMHA Safety Protocols, as well as keeping familiar with the policies of the arenas we are under contract with through The City of Guelph. OMHA is allowing for guidelines for Return to Hockey, The City of Guelph allows for how use of their facilities is acceptable by GMHA. Please remain mindful of following these safety guidelines and protocols so that we are able to continue utilizing the arenas for the benefit of our players.
Some key points to take away from the review of all the protocols are:
1. Dressing room limits are 10 individuals at a maximum
2. Players & Bench Staff are to wear mask until helmets are donned, and re-apply your mask after helmets come off
3. No physical contact
4. Maintaining physical distancing at all times within the facility
5. Make certain all players, bench staff, and parents attending have completed the Health Screening Questionnaire prior to attending each cohort gathering. Utilize the online Sportsheadz screener
You can review the following document below:
GMHA Health & Safety Protocols
Under the 2020-21 Season tab, you will be able to view all other pertinent documents.
Rep Teams
We ask that parents, coaches, and players are playing within their assigned team for all practices. As well, please avoid participating in any activities not with your assigned team with the exception of "Game Days" within your assigned Cohort.
Thank you!