2021-22 Board Nominations now being Accepted - Deadline: May 4, 2021 @ 5PM, News (Guelph Minor Hockey Association)

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Apr 21, 2021 | Lindsey Glavaz | 1098 views
2021-22 Board Nominations now being Accepted - Deadline: May 4, 2021 @ 5PM
The GMHA Annual General Meeting that occurs annually in the summer has been scheduled for June 17, 2021 at 7:00PM.

Deadline to apply: May 4, 2021 @ 5PM

Here is our list of chronological deadlines with our AGM set to be held on the above date:

  1. Board Nominations

Board nominations are now being accepted for GMHA Members to join the GMHA Board. There are set to be 8 open positions on the GMHA Board for the 2021-22 season.

Existing Board of Director roles (subject to change pending approval of By-law changes):

  • President**

  • Past President**

  • Vice-President*

  • Treasurer***

  • Director of Rep AAA*

  • Director of Rep AA-MD*

  • Director of House League*

  • Secretary

  • Director of Development

  • Director of Risk Management

  • Director of Sponsorship

  • Director of Equipment

  • Director of Communication

  • Director At-Large

*Only members that have already served a minimum of one year on the GMHA Board of Directors are eligible to apply

**Only members elected as Vice-President elect would transition to the President, then Past President role

***The Treasurer role must be applied to separately and an interview process would be conducted by the GMHA Board (NOT AVAILABLE for the 2021-22 Season)

If you are interested in joining the GMHA Board of Directors, please complete the 2021-22 GMHA Board of Directors Nomination Form.

  • You MUST be a GMHA Member to apply. (If you are unsure of your membership status, please reach out to Bryan Smith: [email protected]

  • You MUST fully complete the form and do so prior to the deadline to be eligible to join the GMHA Board. 

  • You MUST provide TWO nominators to support your submission and BOTH nominators MUST be GMHA Members.  (If you are unsure of your membership status, please reach out to Bryan Smith: [email protected]

  • DEADLINE: May 4, 2021 @ 5PM

  • Please note: Board composition is subject to change pending approval of By-law changes

  1. Formal AGM Notice & Registration

We will have a formal announcement with more details on the virtual AGM by May 19, 2021. Proxy forms will be made available in this post as well.

You will be required to register for the AGM to attend.

  1. Board Nominee List

All applicants applying to join the GMHA Board will have their name and details provided in the nomination form posted to the GMHA website as per GMHA By-Laws. The details provided on each nominee will be available to GMHA members to view prior to the AGM to familiarize themselves with the nominees before voting occurs.

This will all be posted as a part of the AGM Notice by May 19, 2021.

  1. AGM Documents

Documents of importance to the AGM will be posted prior to the AGM date to ensure members have an appropriate amount of time to review these documents.

The following documents will be made available to GMHA Members by June 7, 2021:

  • AGM Agenda

  • Previous AGM Meeting Minutes

  • GMHA Financial Statement

  • Proposed By-law changes

  1. Proxy Forms - Due

Proxy forms MUST be submitted by June 15, 2021 @ 7:00PM. Details on how and where to submit to follow in the AGM notice posting on May 19, 2021.

What are we looking for in new board members? 

We are looking for members who want to be more involved within the GMHA, and continue our mission to ensure that all members receive the best possible hockey experience each season. 

We would love for our board to represent all levels of hockey and as many age groups as possible. Regardless of the program or age group your child(ren) participates in, we encourage you to apply. 

Please send all questions to Bryan Smith: [email protected]

Thank you,

-GMHA Board
