U18 (2008-2009) Rep Tryouts
U18 tryouts follow a sequential release process in which teams are selected by level, starting at AAA and continuing through AA, A and BB.
Though specific dates and times are not yet available, the general timeline will be as follows:
AAA - August 23 - Sep 1
AA - September 7 - 14
A - September 15 - 20
BB - September 17 - 23
For players wishing to enter tryouts at the AAA level:
Up to August 22nd (Early Bird) - $120
After August 22nd - $160
For players wishing to enter tryouts at the AA level:
Up to August 22nd (Early Bird) - $60
After August 22nd - $100
Non-Guelph Residents and Uncontested Release/Permission to Skate Players
If you reside outside of Guelph, please note that in order to be eligible to attend tryouts in Guelph as a non-Guelph resident you must provide the proper documentation ahead of time. The registration form will allow you to attach the documentation. If you do not have said documentation during registration, please provide prior to tryouts starting or you will not be allowed to step on the ice.
AAA Level
Players from within the Guelph Zone (i.e.: Centre Wellington, Woolwich, and Arthur) require a U18 Permission to Skate Form from their home association.
Players from another OMHA Centre outside of the Guelph Zone require a U18 Permission to Skate Form from their AAA Zone or Home Centre.
Players from outside of the OMHA require an Uncontested Release Form from their Home Centre or AAA Zone.
AA Level
To purchase a U18 (2007-2008) Tryout Pass…
GMHA Tryout Policies
GMHA Tryout Guidelines
Full details on the tryout schedule will be provided towards the end of August. This can be found on the Tryout Home Page.
In the meantime, please reach out to the GMHA office with any general questions.
[email protected]
(519) 824-5910