18th Man Project--One4Another International, News, PeeWee, 2015-2016, U10 (Guelph Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Aug 26, 2015 | Michelle Mclean | 1119 views
18th Man Project--One4Another International
The Peewee AA team are proud to team up with One4Another International (http://one4anotherintl.ca), a charity that helps injured children in Uganda receive surgeries they otherwise would not be able to afford.  Jacob, a 7-year-old boy who suffers from a condition called Injection Neuritis will be our 18th Man on our Roster. This season our team will be raising the money for Jacob to receive his surgery.  Jacob will be an honourary teammate that will be a source of great inspiration and joy for our team. 

We would like to challenge other Guelph Gryphon teams to take on an 18th Man on their roster this season!! 


Jacob's Story...

Jacob has lost significant function of his right leg due to a condition known as, injection neuritis. When he was 3 years old he had a severe case of malaria and was treated with an injection of malaria medication in his right hip. The injection was given in the wrong place and it damaged the main nerve going down to his right foot. It creates a condition very similar to that of a club foot.

Jacob lives with his mom and siblings and is the last born in a family of 6 kids. His dad died when he was very small. His mom sells second hand clothes that she buys from the market and then tries to sell in the villages. Sometimes she can go a whole day without selling anything. Jacob has stopped going to school because his foot is too painful to walk long distances on. He can't run or play with his friends. As a result he is quite a shy boy.

The treatment for Jacob's condition is to put him in casts that slowly stretch and soften the tendons. Then he will be ready for an operation to lengthen his Achilles tendon and transfer tendons to the outside of his foot so that he can lift and keep his foot flat. After healing from the operation he will be given a brace and physiotherapy to strengthen his muscles.

The cost of Jacob not receiving this help is that he will remain lame the rest of his life. He is already suffering the consequences of not being able to go to school, social exclusion, and physical pain. With your help we want to see this little boy have a chance at life.
