Apr 28, 2016 | Kyle Campbell | 1416 views
Sunday May 1st Roster
Players are to arrive by 2:15 PM. Please bring your own water bottle. We will provide Jersey's for you. Those not playing arrive 30 minutes prior to the game. You do not need to check in with me. Dress code is; no jeans, no hats, and a collard shirt.
A. Cesar
J. Charbonneau
J. Pender
A. Lostrocco
C Goldin
O. Stemerdink
G. Berry
J. Cross
J. Destefano
C. Carberry
J. Mielen
R. Price
A. Sutherland
D. Mohammed
N. Masi
M. Billings
T. May
J. Heagle
A. Nap