Feb 02, 2016 | Rod Abel | 668 views
Bantam AE boys advance to Quarter Finals!
Congratulations to the Bantam AE boys for a very strong finish to the season! With a very solid 4-3-1 round robin record, the Bantam boys now advance to the Quarter final AE2 playdown against an impressive 8-0-0 Halton Hills team. Although Halton has had our number most of this season, we played them very tough through both games of the round robin series with Halton only sqeaking past us 5-4 in our last meeting. Our boys are full of confidence, playing very strong in both ends of the rink and look to be peaking at the right time! We are all looking forward to this series and our boys are ready to play their best hockey yet! Go Gryphons!!!
Coach Rod